Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wind & Weather

For the past few days we have again had very little wind. We can't work in the colonies when the temperature is above 80 degrees and the wind below 5 knots. This condition has been met by 10:30 a.m. the past few days. The conditions are hard on the birds and many of them pant to cool off. It also makes it harder for them to fly because most seabirds are adapted to use the wind as part of their flight power. On calm, hot days we see large mixed species groups circling in any spot of warm, rising air they can find. This way they can gain elevation and then use that elevation to glide long distances. The seas around Tern Island are not very productive so the birds must travel long distances to find enough food for themselves and their chicks and the heat and lack of wind makes that task more difficult.

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