Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hawaiian Monk Seal

The Hawaiian Monk Seal is one of the most critically endangered mammals on the planet. There are about 1,000 animals in the entire population. French Frigate Shoals, where Tern Island is located, is one of their most important breeding areas. They are common on the beaches of Tern Island. That's good for the seals but but not so good for the humans on the Island. We need to stay 100 meters away from any seal on the beach. We are also supposed to stay away from Green Sea Turtles which are common on the beaches. So between the seals and the turtles it means we have to stay off the beaches. The Monk seals produce good numbers of pups but the pups die for unknown reasons before reaching breeding age. Because there are so few new breeders being produced, the population continues to decline at a rapid rate.

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