Sunday, April 13, 2008

Morning Walk

First thing this morning I had to walk the perimeter of the island looking for Monk Seals or Sea Turtles trapped in parts of the old sea wall that are failing or in lost fishing gear that washes up regularly. Every 4th day I do this walk and it is usually a nice way to start the day. Today it was driving rain and 25 knot winds so it wasn't pleasant going up wind but not bad going down wind. There are dozens of sea turtles on the beaches and you need to stay well away from them or the seals so parts of the perimeter can't be checked very well. It is called the entrapment walk and it happens every day. Sunday is a day off for everyone so reading and origami today for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It does sound like a great way to start your day. Do you have to do your walk at a particular time? It sounds like a peaceful, introspective time.