Saturday, April 5, 2008

Good book

I've just reread parts of a book that I read several years ago entitled "Eye of The Albatross Visions of Hope and Survival" by Carl Safina. His first impression after getting out of the plane on Tern Island is wonderful.

..."The first glance, the first sounds, the first whiff, says that everything is different here. Wow."

"We all get out, squinting in the sudden glare of bright sun glinting off the reef-powder runway. Amid the creatures, and with water stretching away in all directions, your immediate impression is that you've arrived at the heart of creation. The next impression is that anyone who ever gets the opportunity to stand here as we are is breathtakingly fortunate. We've been here 30 seconds."


Hannah said...

Hi Dad, I hope your trip out to the island went well. We're all looking forward to hearing about everything, especially living conditions.

Anonymous said...

We thought about you yesterday. We hope the trip to Hawaii and the on to Tern Island went well. We can't wait to see and hear more.

Love Jens and Erin

Marty said...

Hi Gary:
Sorry too hear about your Mom. She was very special to me---called me her 3rd son. Three weeks ago I visited her with my daughter Dana, son-in-law Jason, granddaughter Ava. She was thrilled to hold and kiss Ava. I was with your Dad and Dave on Saturday 4/18.

The research your you're doing is very fascinating. I'll be checking him from time to time to see how it's going. I forwarded this on to my son-in-law who's a handyman like your Dad and an adventuresome outdoorsman like you--- he's a professional fly fishing guide in Truckee and at Clearwater Lodge at Mt Shasta.