Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Film Team

Last week we had a National Geographic film crew on the island for a short time. They came on the NOAA vessel,Hi'ialakai, and were on Tern Island one afternoon and the next morning. Just like when guests are coming at home we cleaned and straightened the place in preparation for their arrival. The film team knew how to get close to our hearts. They brought 30 or 40 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables for us. That kind of gift is much like Christmas morning for a child after you eat out of cans and boxes and the freezer for weeks at a time. They were most interested in filming the Monk Seals and the Green Sea Turtles. Our manager Steve B. spent time showing them around and trying to get the best camera angles possible. They spent several more days in the atoll taking underwater shots while scuba diving. We could see the ship and the small boat that the divers worked from for several days after they left the island.

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