Wednesday, June 11, 2008

East Island Turtle Camp

I was mistaken in my post last week about the time the turtle techs spend on East Island before coming back to Tern Island. The techs work a 4 day and then a 3 day rotation. So for one trip to the camp they will spend 4 days and on their next trip, will spend 3 days. The techs work dusk to dawn because that is when the turtles are nesting I still don't have many pictures of the camp because the change is a busy time. Just like when we set up the camp we anchored in waist deep water and all the gear is carried through the water to the beach. For this change only a stern anchor was placed and I held the bow of the boat while Steve,Tammy and Irene ferried loads through the water. This saves the time of setting a second anchor but it doesn't leave much time for picture taking. The trip to East is interesting with shoals and breakers always visible and La Perouse Pinnacle in the distance.

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