Sunday, March 16, 2008

Townsend Cromwell Lobster Cruise in 2000

From the top: 1. Snake eel. 2. Sharks always followed our lobster fishing and were put into a frenzy when we dumped the used bait into the water. 3. Setting lobster traps. That's me on the far right. 4. After being retrieved the traps were tied securely on deck and we moved to another location for the next set. Gary untieing traps to begin a new set. 5. Another beautiful eel from the lobster traps. 6. We measured all the lobsters that came up in the traps and returned them to the bottom. Most of them anyway. 7.This piece of equipment was lowered over the side every 12 hours for the whole 30 day cruise to measure and record water chemistry and physical properties of the ocean. Gary on the far right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you need to throw that lobster into a pot after you measure it. I would love to see more pictures from the Townsend Cromwell voyage. This is the first i have seen of them. I can't wait to see lots of pictures from Tern Island.
