Sunday, March 30, 2008

Thoughts on Preparation

I've spent the past week refining my packing list for my stay on the island. Forty pounds is not very much stuff! I am just about down to that limit and will have the chance to look it over for several more days before my flight. Now that I'm mostly ready I have time to consider what is ahead of me and I sometimes wonder, "what am I doing?" though I'm still excited and am ready to get started. I fly to Honolulu on Sunday, and then on to Tern Island Monday, on a small 6 seat plane. I am looking forward to seeing the islands and reefs from above that I saw from sea level in 2000 from the deck of the Townsend Cromwell.

On a practical note, If you comment on the blog you will arrive at a screen that asks you to type the word that you see in some strange script. That step helps eliminate automated spam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was great to see you and the family on Sunday. Based on looking at what you are taking with you, it looks like you thought of everything. It was very impressive. You might want to fast for a couple of days before your flight so you can take a few extra AA batteries. I'm really looking forward to following your experience on this blog. Give my best to Wilson. Kevin